Vegconomist: 'First of its Kind - European Vegan Summit to Take Place in September'

Vegconomist: 'First of its Kind - European Vegan Summit to Take Place in September'

  • Quinta-feira, 28 de Julho de 2022

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The first European Vegan Summit (EVS) will take place this September, featuring activists, politicians, and influential figures from media, business, science, and NGOs. Coming together virtually, the EVS will revolve around activism, economy, politics, and science to connect the European vegan sphere. 

The EVS will take place over 4 days online (15th-18th of September) and will feature 12 talks, 72 speakers, and 4 exhibitions. Speakers include MEPs Sylwia Spurek and Francisco Guerreiro, vegan investor Sebastiano Castiglioni, activist Genesis Butler, and the founder of Vegan Women Summit Jennifer Stojkovic, among many others. 


Organized in response to the current crises caused by inefficient and ineffective food policies, the EVS is the brainchild of the Green REV Institute, the first vegan think-tank in Poland. The online event will be fully hosted on Beyond Animal, an independent platform dedicated to vegan content, and will be entirely conducted in English.

“It is a meeting place for inspiring people who believe that only a future without animal exploitation can be the answer to the challenges posed by the climate catastrophe. These 4 days of conversation and reflection will allow us to clearly connect the dots between the world of human rights, animal rights and environmental protection in light of veganism”, states the event. 

The conference is free to attend and you can register your participation here

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