PMOI - Free Iran World Summit outlines Iranian Resistance’s roadmap to a democratic republic

PMOI - Free Iran World Summit outlines Iranian Resistance’s roadmap to a democratic republic

  • Terça-feira, 02 de Julho de 2024

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June 30 marked the second day of the Free Iran 2024 Global Summit, held in Paris, brought together former heads of state, ministers, and dignitaries from around the world to express their support for a democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

The summit highlighted the international backing for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its leader, Maryam Rajavi, emphasizing the need for a unified stance against the current Iranian regime. Speeches underscored the global solidarity with the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom, democracy, and human rights, as articulated in Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan.

In her keynote address, Mrs. Rajavi reminded the audience of the sham elections of Iran’s regime held on June 28, boycotted by 88 percent of eligible voters.

“The boycott highlights the determination of the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance to overthrow the clerical regime and liberate Iran,” she said. “The absence of mass participation, combined with election engineering failing to produce a clear result in the first round and necessitating a run-off, clearly indicates divisions, diversions, and schisms within the regime and its various factions. This situation proves the regime’s protective walls are full of cracks and holes.”

Mrs. Rajavi stressed that the regime responds to the Iranian people’s uprising through repression and warfare to protect his decaying regime. Simultaneously, he seeks support and protection through a policy of appeasement.

Mrs. Rajavi warned that appeasement “paves the way for the dark forces of history, representing a dagger to the heart of freedom, peace, justice, resistance, and human rights.”

“Over the past year, we have seen Western governments continue to capitulate to the clerical regime’s policy of blackmail, while the latter claims victims daily through suppression, warmongering, and terrorism both within Iran and abroad,” she said, referring to actions by the governments of Sweden, Belgium, and France.

“However, the perpetual hostages and ongoing victims are the Iranian people, human rights, and the angel of liberty,” she said.

Mrs. Rajavi said that the concessions given to the regime over the past four decades were “founded on shortsightedness and transient interests, causing severe harm to the people of Iran, the Middle East, and global peace and security.”

The true solution to the regime’s threats, Mrs. Rajavi said, is the alternative presented by the people of Iran: “a vision of a free Iran, devoid of torture and executions, a democratic republic where religion is separate from state governance, where gender equality prevails, and where oppressed nationalities enjoy autonomy.”

Appeasement does not work

Speakers at the event consistently stressed that appeasing the Iranian regime does not work and is a recipe for failure.

Petre Roman, Former Romanian Prime Minister, said, “When diplomacy is a mask devoid of moral values, behind it lies cowardice and vested interest. This is the case with Iran.”

Geir Haarde, Former Prime Minister of Iceland, said, “Appeasement has not worked. Not in this case, not ever. The free world must support the legitimacy of the NCRI and its resistance.”

Gerry Horkan, Member of the Seanad Eireann, said, “History tells us that appeasing dictators never works. Bullies do not react to appeasement; they keep attacking until they are stopped.”

Lord Dholakia, Co-Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords, said, “The regime’s increasing repression and terrorism are partly due to the impunity it enjoys from the West’s soft-line approach.”

Mitchell Reiss, Former US Special Envoy for Northern Ireland, said, “The fallacy of appeasement must end. The international community must stop being the lifeline that sustains the evil oppression of the Persian nation.”

More than just Iran

Speakers at the Free Iran summit had a common message about the importance of freedom in Iran. At this point, removing the mullahs from power is not just a necessity for the people of Iran but for the entire world.

Jorge Quiroga, Former President of Bolivia, said, “Iran’s regime, through its extensive network of militias and proxies, perpetuates terrorism and disrupts the stability of nations across the Middle East.”

Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, said, “The Iranian dictatorship funds and arms terrorist groups, spreading chaos throughout the Middle East and posing a grave threat to global security.”

Dr. Barkat Ojan, Former Minister of Culture of Jordan, “Iran’s support for terrorist activities and shipment of weapons not only threatens the Middle East but also has dire implications for global security.”

Ken Blackwell, Former US Ambassador to the UN, said, “Iran’s regime is a primary sponsor of global terrorism, using its resources to arm and support terrorist organizations across the Middle East.”

The alternative to Iran’s regime

The flipside of rejecting the policy of appeasement is to endorse a democratic alternative that can ensure the rights of the people of Iran and restore peace and stability in the region and the world.

Matteo Renzi, Former Italian Prime Minister, said, “The only way to create a new Middle East is to fight together for a free Iran.”

Niels Geuking, German MEP, said, “Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan is a new basis for a democratic Iran. That is the Iran we all envision and would like to create together.”

Ricardo de Piedade, Former Minister of Maritime Affairs of Portugal, said, “The National Council of Resistance of Iran offers a democratic and viable alternative, showing the world a path toward freedom and democracy.”

Francisco Guerreiro, Portuguese MEP, said, “Appeasement does not work. We must politically recognize the NCRI as the sole entity capable of guiding Iran’s transition to a secular democracy.”

George Sabra, Syrian Opposition Official, said, “The Iranian people are calling for regime change. The PMOI and NCRI are playing a vital role in these uprisings and will continue until the regime is overthrown.”

The regime’s demonization campaign against the PMOI

Multiple speakers addressed the Iranian regime’s persistent efforts to discredit the PMOI. The regime’s tactics, including spreading false allegations and using propaganda, were condemned by various dignitaries, who emphasized the PMOI’s legitimate struggle for a democratic Iran.

Former Romanian Prime Minister Petre Roman criticized the regime’s “propaganda machine” for lacking credibility, asserting that the PMOI’s “formidable perseverance and iron will” would ultimately prevail. This sentiment was echoed by US Ambassador Robert Joseph, who highlighted the regime’s “insidious disinformation” campaigns and called for an end to the “fallacy of appeasement.”

US Ambassador Ken Blackwell labeled the regime’s actions as part of its “brutal dictatorship,” while PMOI supporter Behrang Borhani recounted personal experiences of “relentless attempts by the media to malign the PMOI.” He asserted, “No amount of falsehood can dampen the spirit of this generation.”

Hannaneh Amanpour, another PMOI supporter, addressed the regime’s false allegations, saying, “The regime’s latest plot, spearheaded by Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security, is rife with false allegations regarding the children of Camp Ashraf and is simply more of the same. I, and many of my friends in the audience today, are living proof that what they claim are nothing short of lies.”

Read the article here





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