Sentinel News: 'MEP Francisco Guerreiro calls for a UAP space law in the European Parliament'

Sentinel News: 'MEP Francisco Guerreiro calls for a UAP space law in the European Parliament'

  • Quinta-feira, 08 de Fevereiro de 2024

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On February 5, 2024, Francisco Guerreiro, Member of the European Parliament, spoke on a subject rarely discussed in this institution: Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, UAP.

The exchange took place during the part of the full session dedicated to one-minute speeches on matters of political importance.

Here is the full transcript :

Thank you, Chair, dear Commissioner. 

The European Commission is currently finalizing its upcoming proposal for an EU space law. This important initiative advises common rules to address safety, resilience, and sustainability of space activities and operations. 

However, in the security pillar, there's a gap that needs to be filled. Currently, the EU doesn't have a harmonizing scientific system to report unidentified anomalous phenomena. This topic that needs to be a serious issue needs to be addressed and is being dealt with the utmost importance in other countries. 

For example, in the United States, the data collection and analysis of UAP activities in space, civil, and military locations is considered as a national security priority. This security concern also led to the creation of a space research program inside NASA. 

Therefore, it is fundamental that the EU Commission includes in the European Space Law a program to collect data on UAPs, as well as a scientific body to analyze these events in a transparent and public way. Thank you very much.

Francisco Guerreiro, born in Alentejo, Portugal, is MEP for the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament since 2019.

His speech contains some interesting references to the UAP debate that has erupted on the international scene in recent years, between the declarations of the world's major powers on the subject, led by China and the USA, and the ongoing efforts to deploy scientific programs

At a time when European defense has become notorious for its difficulty in resisting external influences, will the possibility of an external threat make it possible to unify the European Union militarily, with Russia's army on its doorstep? This brings to mind the words of U.S. President Ronald Reagan: 

"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."i

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