News Beezer: 'Majority of respondents support the inclusion of the Unconditional Basic Income – Economy'

News Beezer: 'Majority of respondents support the inclusion of the Unconditional Basic Income – Economy'

  • Quarta-feira, 13 de Outubro de 2021

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"The study was carried out by Marktest on behalf of MEP Francisco Guerreiro from the Verdes / European Free Alliance group after 1,452 people between the ages of 18 and 65 were asked to find out the opinion of the Portuguese on the implementation of the RBI in Portugal.

The unconditional basic income is a benefit that is granted to every citizen regardless of their financial, family or professional situation and is sufficient to enable them to live in dignity.

In an initial analysis, according to Marktest, 76% of respondents support the existence of this social benefit in Portugal, and 43% defend that the monthly amount should correspond to the national minimum wage currently at. is 665 euros.

“Although there is general support for the implementation of this measure, the Portuguese believe that a pilot test would be necessary either to allow for broad national public debate or to learn about the impact of the RBI at local or regional level, e.g. later at national level implement (both options with an approval rate of 68%) ”, the statement said.

As for the funding of this measure, on the other hand, 45% of respondents argue that it should be done through a sovereign wealth fund so there are no tax increases, while 31

% think it is the 20 richest% to finance the measure through the Payment of taxes to avoid resorting to state budget funds intended for the welfare state.

“People with a left political position are more divided (40% and 37% respectively), while people with a tendency to the right are obviously more adept at creating a sovereign wealth fund without tax increases,” the study says.

When asked whether the RBI should only be financed by public funds, almost half of the respondents (45%) defended an equal division between the European Union and Portugal, while another 42% thought that the European Union was the whole Costs.

Regarding the benefits this measure could bring, respondents will attribute positive social equity impacts to the RBI and “broadly agree that compared to the RSI” [Rendimento Social de Inserção], the RBI would be more effective in the job search. “

“The majority are even in favor of the RBI as an alternative to the RSI, as many of the beneficiaries do not receive an RSI,” says Marktest, without mentioning the percentage.

According to the market research company, the main advantages of the RBI are the satisfaction of basic needs, for which there are currently difficulties, as well as greater financial independence to further demonstrate the necessity of implementing such a social benefit.

59% of the respondents would buy more environmentally friendly products if the service was retained, while 28% would only buy organically grown products.

According to the market test, the sample of 1,452 people is representative and proportional to the universe studied, and quotas were applied by gender, age and region based on data from the 2011 Census (INE). The maximum margin of error associated with a sample of this size with a confidence interval of 95% is ± 2.57 pp"

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