Maryam Rajavi: 'Members of European Parliament visit Maryam Rajavi in Strasbourg'

Maryam Rajavi: 'Members of European Parliament visit Maryam Rajavi in Strasbourg'

  • Domingo, 26 de Novembro de 2023

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During her visit to the European Parliament, Maryam Rajavi met with several MEPs, among whom were Mr. Hannes Heide, MEP from Austria from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Mr. Francisco Guerreiro, MEP from Portugal from the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, and Ms. Patrizia Toia, MEP from Italy from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Vice-Chair of the EP Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, and a former Italian government minister.

In this meeting, she discussed the situation in Iran, the developments in the Middle East, and the activities of the Resistance with the representatives. Maryam Rajavi highlighted that the theocratic regime in Iran is perpetrating widespread executions and repression within the country to maintain its rule. Moreover, she emphasized the regime’s export of terrorism, fundamentalism, and warmongering beyond Iran’s borders. As Khamenei explicitly stated, this is aimed at avoiding internal conflicts and crises. To retain its grip on power, the regime lacks any other shield or solution in response to the uprisings by the Iranian people.

Mrs. Rajavi also convened discussions at her residence with Mr. Jean-Philippe Maure, Vice Chairman of the Bas-Rhin Provincial Council, former member of the French National Assembly, and one of the founders of the French Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID), along with Mr. Frédéric Reiss, a former member of the French National Assembly and a veteran CPID member.

The discussion centered on the role of the mullahs’ regime in the current regional crisis and its warmongering efforts. Maryam Rajavi reiterated her stance, stating, “In my address at the European Parliament, I emphasized that the precondition for achieving peace and stability in the region lies in the overthrow of the regime—a source of both crisis and warmongering, as well as the export of terrorism.”

Mr. Maure, a founding member of the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID), expressed his commitment: We are fully dedicated to supporting the Iranian people in their endeavor to topple this regime and usher in an era of democracy and freedom.

He highlighted CPID’s 15-year history of extraordinary efforts in supporting the Iranian Resistance, emphasizing its staunch defense of the Iranian people and their cause. Mr. Maure also paid tribute to the late Adrien Zeller, a former representative of the European Parliament from France, acknowledging Zeller’s unwavering support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) and the Iranian Resistance. He added that they continue to walk in Zeller’s footsteps.

Discussing the regime’s proxy groups, Mr. Reiss pointed out how these factions serve the regime’s agenda of fostering conflict. Reflecting on the activities of the Resistance Units within Iran, he remarked: There is no question that this regime will be ousted, and fortunately, there exists an organized alternative capable of replacing it.

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