ICLEI: 'Community initiatives enable a more inclusive and democratic European Green Deal'

  • Terça-feira, 05 de Março de 2024

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In recent years, the discourse around sustainable energy systems has increasingly emphasised the importance of citizen engagement and participation. In the 45th Breakfast at Sustainability's, held as a hybrid event in ICLEI Europe Brussels Office and online, experts and stakeholders convened to discuss current issues related to energy poverty alleviation and the sustainable energy transition. Silvia Assalini, Senior Expert in Sustainable Energy Systems at ICLEI Europe, welcomed the participants to the latest edition of this flagship event, which serves as a platform for sharing insights, experiences, and best practices around European policies for more than ten years.

In her introduction, the event moderator Maria Santos (Community Energy & Renewables Campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe) gave some context elements regarding the interconnected challenges of climate change, energy poverty, and social inequality. She stressed the need for a fundamental shift in how we approach climate issues and societal disparities. While solutions exist, rooted in both scientific knowledge and social awareness, they require political will, citizen engagement, and a reimagining of societal norms.

Karin Thalberg and Klervi Kerneïs, Research Fellows in EU Energy Policy at Jacques Delors Institute, detailed the learnings from two practical experiences regarding citizen participation in the energy transition: the Horizon 2020 projects Sun4All and EnergyPROSPECTS. These inspiring examples of community-driven projects illustrate the transformative potential of grassroots action. Energy cooperatives reinvesting in local communities and initiatives addressing energy poverty through education and solidarity funds showcase the tangible impact of community-led approaches.

The ensuing panel discussion involved a wide range of expert speakers on the topic: Dora Biondani, Senior Project Coordinator at Energy Poverty Advisory Hub, Francisco Guerreiro, Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA), Máirtín Ó Méalóid, General Manager at the Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative and Heleen Schockaert, Project Manager at REScoop. In their discussions, they emphasised the importance of citizen participation in driving sustainable change, from grassroots movements to community-led energy projects. Empowering citizens is seen as essential for impactful initiatives, where inclusive decision-making and democratised energy governance is key.

However, community-driven efforts face challenges including a still often lacking framework for financial and regulatory support. To overcome these obstacles, maintaining a bottom-up approach, fostering good governance, and prioritising community ownership are crucial. Collaboration, advocacy for policy changes, and amplification of community voices are identified as critical strategies. Supportive frameworks for community energy are needed, now more than ever.

Miss the event? Check out the recording, available here.

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