BNN: 'Portugal Aims to Rehabilitate Cetaceans in Seaside Sanctuaries'

BNN: 'Portugal Aims to Rehabilitate Cetaceans in Seaside Sanctuaries'

  • Quarta-feira, 14 de Junho de 2023

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MEP Francisco Guerreiro, representing the Greens/European Free Alliance group, led a significant appeal at the European Parliament in Brussels, calling for an end to the exploitation of cetaceans for entertainment purposes. He highlighted the pressing need for the European Union (EU) to take concrete steps towards phasing out the use of cetaceans in entertainment settings and creating sanctuaries to ensure these marine creatures can live out their lives with dignity, especially if they cannot survive in their natural marine habitats.

MEP Francisco Guerreiro firmly advocated for the introduction of comprehensive legislation at the community level that would prohibit the exploitation and public display of these marine mammals. This proposed legislation goes even further by calling for an end to their breeding and importation, and it would also discourage the establishment of new dolphinariums. The ultimate goal of such measures is to gradually transition these creatures out of their current captivity and relocate them to seaside sanctuaries where they can thrive in a more natural environment.

MEP Guerreiro expressed optimism about his country’s potential role in this endeavor. He stressed that Portugal’s extensive coastline offers a unique opportunity to become a leading force in rehabilitating captive cetaceans and establishing partnerships with biology faculties and experts from around the world. The aim is to learn more about these creatures in their natural environment rather than from watching them in confined spaces

 Urgent Policy Recommendations for EU Action

Dolphinaria Free Europe exposed the suffering endured by dolphins, whales, and porpoises in captivity, highlighting their forced performances in circuses and subpar living conditions in sterile cement tanks. The conclusive scientific evidence strengthens the call for an end to these archaic attractions and emphasizes the need for protection of these highly intelligent creatures in their natural habitats.

 30 Dolphinariums Across EU

With approximately 30 dolphinariums in 14 EU Member States still housing around 300 individual cetaceans, urgent action is needed. Prohibitions on dolphin and cetacean importation, as already implemented in countries like Croatia and Slovenia, alongside ongoing discussions in nations like France, signal a growing momentum for a Europe that rejects the exploitation of these animals

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