Nature: 'Academic freedom and the unknown: credibility, criticism, and inquiry among the professoriate'
"(...) In early 2024, Member of European Parliament Francisco Guerreiro of Portugal requested a “scientific” approach to UAP information. On the floor of the Parliament of the European Union he asked that “the EU Commission includes, in the European Space Law, a program to collect data on UAPs as well as the scientific body to analyze these events in a transparent and public way” (European Parliament, 2024).
While witnessing this public record expand, we perceive the need for questions and clarifications. We fully acknowledge that this topic is beset. Perhaps faculty are more dismissive of UAP after false alarms of the anomalous in the past (Dick, 2015). Disinformation, psy-ops, hoaxes, grifts, and entertainment have succeeded at stigmatizing serious inquiry (Washington Post Live, 2021a). Beyond the fickle gaze of public interest, a few researchers have endured ridicule and reprimand to examine this matter. Yet to date, the apparent risk/reward ratio yields low scholarly participation.
Topics permeating the corners of popular cultural conjecture seldom move to fact-finding congressional hearings. In this paper, we do not pretend to present explanations. However, the existence of recent public developments is indisputable. Academic credibility, criticism, and inquiry regarding them are aspects that we can, and should, investigate. (...)"
Lê o artigo ciêntifico que menciona o trabalho de Francisco Guerreiro no Parlamento Europeu no âmbito da transparência do tópico dos UAP aqui.
O Guia da Cidade: 'Fins de Tarde na Vila Medieval de Ourém'
Sexta-feira, 06 de Setembro de 2024